Sunday, August 31, 2008

First Lesson-ish Type Post

OK, so first and foremost, if you're coming here looking for uke instruction - ha! But, I will share some thoughts here from time to time. Today's thought is on the Em chord.

When I first started playing I was very happy to see the C F G songs. These were relatively simple chords to both learn and switch between. These songs made me feel good about myself.

Then there were the songs in G. Many of them used an Em chord, and especially the ones that I liked the sound of. But it was very depressing, because playing that damned 4-fingered Em was hard, and I didn't think I was ever going to be able to do it.

Well, lucky me, I soon happened upon a chord chart which showed me that one did not HAVE to play the Em that way, but could instead play a 3-finger, or even a 2-finger, version. And suddenly my spirits were lifted again.

The 4-finger Em is played 4432 (from 4th to 1st). The 3-finger version leaves the 4th string open, so is 0432. And the 2-finger version leaves both the 2nd and 4th strings open, so is 0402. They all sound slightly different, but they are mostly interchangeable.

What's the point? Well, if you didn't know that Em had some "easier" versions, now you know. Perhaps it will get you over that C F G hump that I experienced in my early going.

Finally, most chords have multiple fingerings available. If you're so inclined you can check out a previous post to get information about how to find these different fingerings.

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